North Africa Table

I’ve decided to make a North Africa Table. I wanted something a little bit like this:


I started by making some palm trees bases. I ordered plastic palm trees of the same type but in two different sizes. I glued two to three trees per bases using a hot glue pistol.

2015-05-08 10.35.59

2015-05-14 23.09.55

2015-05-14 23.09.50

2015-05-14 23.10.06

2015-05-15 09.26.53

2015-05-15 09.27.48

2015-05-15 09.26.30

2015-05-15 09.27.00


3 responses to “North Africa Table”

  1. I stumbled on this post as I was researching the exact same thing 🙂

    Looks like you made a great board. The trick seem to be in realizing that palms cluster together. My big concern now is how to group them and make the shrubberies that surround them.

    Cheers for the inspiration mate

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] always more drawn to the Nature scenery-making as you could see with my previous River table or North Afrika table project. Thus, when I finally decided to start the Malval project, I knew that I will have to learn […]


  3. I’ve been to Morocco and visited a few oases. Yes the palms cluster and are different heights. They groups cluster, too, and most are actually farmed in groves. There would be earthen dikes separating them and channeling the water to them– not randomly spread out. The palm groves are almost like a jungle…and then desert & sand…


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