Field table

A new sunday, a new hike with my wife and a new idea for a wargaming table! This time, I wanted to make a table with lot of fields on which I could put some hedgerows to have something close to a Normandy battlefield (yes, I’m thinking about FoW) or with some forrest and rocky hill to play a good old-school ranged-battle at Warhammer.

2014-10-12 14.21.11
The picture which get me inspired for this new fields table
2014-05-06 16.38.51
I used my brown foldable table as a base for this set up.
2014-07-18 20.46.55
I then made several field boards and some additionnal hills.
2014-07-24 07.34.11
The basic foldable table converted into a Normandy table with the fields boards on it.
2014-10-11 11.51.00
First game on this new table with my buddy Thierry. Finally, it also works perfectly for a 40k game 😉


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